sábado, 7 de agosto de 2021

Kaxvlew ñi kvme hemvlkawe ; trilingual dictionary ; diccionario trilingüe


Facantv rakizuamkelu tvfaci hemvl rulpazvgufe tati may, rakizuamkvlelu azvmyekvmefin tañi rulpameken zvgu, ixofij zvgu pepi konay ka xipay, tukuafuy, entuafuy, ixokom ci, pvcin kejun mu kakelu rvpvtuay ñi puwam fentepun kvme zvgu.. feyta hemvlkawe ñi pvnegen kay, feymu kiñe kvla kewvh rume hemvlkawe abv rulpamekey zvgu..

I have no post in english yet so to correctly achieve the concept of rulpazvgufe, traspasing the objects of knowledge from one side to another, today i will post the best dictionary mapudungun-english-spanish, this dictionary it's the work of more than twenty years of Leonor Catrileo, gives a contextual use of the words, and has a phonetic section.



Also a good grammar in english:


All books:



Ediciones UACh reedita "Diccionario Lingüístico Etnográfico de la Lengua  Mapuche" de María Catrileo - Noticias UACh

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